n 主要学术成果
l Gong, B., Zhou, C., Gómez, M. Á. , & J.M. Buldú. (2022). Identifiability and Consistency of Chinese Football Teams: A Complex Networks Approach. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 166 , 112922.
l Gong, B., Cui, Y., Gai, Y., Yi, Q., & Gómez, M. Á. (2019). The validity and reliability of live football match statistics from champdas master match analysis system. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1339.
l Gong, B., Cui, Y., Zhang, S., Zhou, C., Yi, Q., & Gómez-Ruano, M. Á. (2021). Impact of technical and physical key performance indicators on ball possession in the Chinese Super League. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 21 (6), 909-921.
l Chen, X., Zheng, R., Xiong, B., Huang, X., & Gong, B*. (2023). Comparison of the physiological responses and time-motion characteristics during football small-sided games: effect of pressure on the ball. Frontiers in Physiology, 14, 1167624.
l Novillo, Á., Gong, B., Martínez, J. H., Resta, R., del Campo, R. L., & Buldú, J. M. (2024). A multilayer network framework for soccer analysis. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 178, 114355.
l Yu, Q., Gai, Y., Gong, B., Gómez, M. Á., & Cui, Y. (2020). Using passing network measures to determine the performance difference between foreign and domestic outfielder players in Chinese Football Super League. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 15(3), 398-404.
l Li, Y., Ma, R., Gonçalves, B., Gong, B., Cui, Y., & Shen, Y. (2020). Data-driven team ranking and match performance analysis in Chinese Football Super League. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 141, 110330.
l Ruan, L., Ge, H., Gómez, M. Á., Shen, Y., Gong, B., & Cui, Y. (2022). Analysis of defensive playing styles in the professional Chinese Football Super League. Science and Medicine in Football, 1-9.
l Jiang, J., Ge, H., Du, L., Gomez, M. A., Gong, B., & Cui, Y. (2022). Impact of Match Type and Match Halves on Referees’ Physical Performance and Decision-Making Distance in Chinese Football Super League. Frontiers in Psychology , 13.
l 龚炳南,李春满,周长敬,刘鸿优.不同比赛结果下足球运动表现特征研究——基于中超联赛7个赛季的实证分析[J].中国体育科技,2021,57(09):37-45.
l 龚炳南,李春满,周长敬,孙刚,刘鸿优.中超联赛2012—2019赛季球队比赛跑动和技术表现的纵向对比研究[J].首都体育学院学报,2022,34(06):649-660.
l 王子朴,刘大超,姜月帅,秦丹,钟秉枢,龚炳南,何明. 从技术发展到政策创新:体育科技创新的理论逻辑与实践指向[J]. 上海体育大学学报, 2024, 48 (04): 13-25.
l 李阳,朱贺,侯志涛,吴放,张廷安,张春萍,龚炳南. 中国青少年足球联赛开启的新价值、新思考、新路径[J].体育科学, 2022, 42 (12): 77-85.
l 李春满,董午志,龚炳南,李学亮,高胜杰.第17届亚洲杯中国男子国家足球队比赛表现深度分析[J].中国体育科技,2020,56(04):20-28.
l 彭召方,袁玲,国伟,周长敬,龚炳南,刘鸿优.VAR的实施对中超联赛球员跑动与技术表现的影响[J].体育学刊,2022,29(02):122-127.
l 易清,黎涌明,张铭鑫,崔一雄,刘天彪,张绍良,龚炳南,黄展煜,周长敬,Miguel ángel Gómez Ruano,Daniel Memmert,Peter O'Donoghue,刘鸿优.运动表现分析:过去、现在与未来[J].上海体育学院学报,2023,47(02):88-103.
l 龚炳南,王子朴.推动“数智体育”建设 提升中小学体育课教学效能[J].体育教学,2022,42(08):71-72.
l 屈铁强,陈彦龙,周长敬,龚炳南,刘鸿优.中国足球超级联赛致胜关键指标:基于8个赛季的数据分析[J].体育科研,2022,43(03):93-99+104.
l 龚炳南. 不同SSG练习形式的足球课程教学对普通专业大学生运动负荷与锻炼效果特征的影响研究 [J].青少年体育, 2023, (02): 41-43+83.
l GONG, B., CUI, Y., GAI, Y., YI, Q., GÓMEZ, M.Á.The validity and reliability of Champdas Master System: A live football match performance analysis system. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science . ECSS.2018:315
l GONG, B., GÓMEZ, M.A., ZHOU, C., CUI, Y. The variation in teams’match performance profiles according to league ranking in the Chinese Football Association Super League. XII World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport (WCPAS). ISPAS.2018
l GONG, B.N., LI, C.M., DU, L.D., CUI, Y.X., LIU, H.Y., GÓMEZ, M.A. Match outcome and technical-tactical performance of the present Asian Soccer-Evidence from 2019 AFC Asian Cup. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. ECSS.2019: 419.
l 龚炳南,张绍良,李春满,崔一雄,孙刚. 控球率对精英足球运动员体能表现的影响分析——基于分位数回归模型[C]//.第十二届全国体育科学大会论文摘要汇编.,2022:76-78.
l 独著,《足球比赛表现分析理论与实践》,北京:北京体育大学出版社,2022。
l 编委,《中国青少年足球运动员心理智能训练》,北京:北京体育大学出版社,2022。
l 副主编,《全国青少年校园足球示范课》(9本),北京:北京体育大学出版社,2018。
l 副主编,《校园足球游戏指南》,北京:北京体育大学出版社,2016。
n 获奖荣誉
l 2023年,西班牙马德里理工大学体育科学博士-最高荣誉奖(Cum Laude),排名前5%;
l 2022年,首都体育学院第十七届青年教师教学基本功比赛,(技术课)二等奖;
l 2022年,首都体育学院第十七届青年教师教学基本功比赛,最佳多媒体辅助课件奖;
l 2017年,国家公派留学奖学金,国家留学基金委No.(2017)3109;
l 2015年,北京市优秀毕业生。