n 主要研究方向
n 主要学术成果
1. 阐明流体剪应力下细胞迁移的分子机制
图 2 RAW264.7细胞胞内钙响应
2. 阐明骨小梁的动态演化过程与细胞分布的关联性
图3 大鼠尾椎动态加载装置
图 4 尾椎动态演化过程
l Chen X,Huang Y,Jiang L,Sun Q,Tian Y,Zhou ZX,Yin J,Gao Y*,Liu CL,Huo B, 2022. Bilateral upper extremity trunk model for cross-country sit-skiing double poling propulsion: model development and validation. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing:1-11.
l Zhang X, Sun Q, Ye CY, Li TY, Jiao f, Gao Y*, Bo Huo*, 2022. Finite Element Analysis on Mechanical State on the Osteoclasts under Gradient Fluid Shear Stress. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 21(4):1067-1078.
l Gao Y, Lu FX, Wang SH, Sun LW, Leng HJ, Huo B*, 2021. Effect of Long-Term Cyclic Compression Loading on the Structural Evolution of Trabecular Bone. Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices. 12:100099
l Zhang X, Gao Y, Huo B*, 2021. Finite Element Analysis on Wall Fluid Shear Stress on Cells under Oscillatory Flow. Applied Sciences. 11:10021.
l Zhang X, Gao Y*, Huo B*, 2021.Fluid-Solid Coupling Simulation of Wall Fluid Shear Stress on Cells under Gradient Fluid Flow. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics. 1(1):1-12.
l Li TY, Chen CB, Gao Y, Zhu LX, Yang RL, Leng GJ, Huo B*,2020. Fluid–Solid Coupling Numerical Simulation of Trabecular Bone under Cyclic Loading in Different Directions. Journal of Biomechanics. 109 (1): 109912.
l Gao Y, Li TY, Sun Q, Huo B*, 2019. Gradient Fluid Shear Stress Regulates Migration of Osteoclast Precursors. Cell Adhesion and Migration, 13(1):183-191.
l Gao Y, Li TY, Sun Q, Ye CY, Guo MM, Chen ZB, Chen J, Huo B*, 2019. Migration and Differentiation of Osteoclast Precursors under Gradient Fluid Shear Stress. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 18(6): 1731-1744.
l Ye CY, Guo MM, Sun Q, Liu YX, Gao Y, Huo B*, 2019. Novel cone-and-plate flow chamber with controlled distribution of wall fluid shear stress. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 106:(3):140-148.
l Gao Y, Li JS, Huang GX, Li JS*,2015. Spectroscopic studies on the interaction between anthragallol and DNA with the use of ethidium bromide as a fluorescence probe. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 141(15), 239-243.
l 高颜, 李军生*, 李蔚仑, 2015. 茜草色素蒽棕与 DNA 的相互作用机理研究. 光学学报,35(02): 023003-1-023003-7.
l 高颜,李军生*, 王倩倩, 2014. 茜草色素光泽汀与 DNA 相互作用的机理研究. 现代食品科技,30(12): 43-48. (EI收录)
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